
University Baptist & Brethren Church is a deeply and broadly Welcoming church, a unique combination of American Baptist and Brethren traditions. The church traces its beginnings to 1922, when a small group of people gathered to organize a Baptist Church in State College. The congregation, forty charter members, met in private homes and on campus until the first church building was dedicated in 1928.
n 1968, the congregation was joined by a group from the Church of the Brethren and since that time we have been dually aligned with American Baptist Churches and the Church of the Brethren.
Adding On

UBBC has through the years combined a deep desire for worship, a faithful commitment to service, and an abiding spirit of community and fellowship in Christ. We are members of the Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists, and people from our community have been instrumental in building and sustaining a number of ecumenical and community ministries.
Moving Forward

​We invite you to learn more about us by visiting and by exploring this website. Read our Welcoming Statement. Check out the UBBC Serves columns, highlighting the good work done by some of our members. Read our Centennial History, to see where we've been and where we're going.
And take a look at our Church Profile, to better understand our vision of ourselves.
We hope to see you soon!